Private collector

Roma, Lazio, Italy

The title selected by John Vassar House (JVH) does not imply any violence of any type. 

Proof of this is a card to Roberto in year 1971 stating that “A few minutes ago I finished the model of an idea I have been trying to put off and on since 1967 called “Homocide: 4 versions””.

This shows the reluctance by JVH to cast this piece but on the other hand the need to maintain the original title.

Here JVH is experimenting with clay and with deformation of forms. JVH is relying on torsion, puncturing, cutting and finally beating. The clay surfaces mark a distinctive deformation according to the tool used. The sculpture does not require further explanations although the torsion of the original (single) block into two pieces, as if these were on a single vertical hinge, provides strong variation of forms.