Private collector
Rome, Lazio, Italy
The Scorpios lighthouse project is the first of a kind of three lighthouse projects over 4 years:
– Scorpios in 1970;
– Peace Light in 1972;
– West Coast Tower in 1974.
JVH developed the first model for a colossal sculpture proposal for Scorpios island.
He cast the model in bronze, made photos and sent his proposal with the following description:
“The Sculptural Lighthouse originated with the idea of designing a structure not only rooted in the two elements of land (earth) and sea (water) but also really reaching into the sky (air) as well. To justify such a concept, suggestively gigantic, it seemed prudent that it has a utility in addition, hence the beacon. An instantaneous association with the ancients’ lighthouse at Alexandria and the colossus of Rhodes was inescapable and it became apparent with the very first sketch that this was to be the 20th century Mediterranean colossus – where else but for the island of Scorpios?”
Much later, after translating the sketch into a first bronze model, JVH realized that there existed potential for making the idea a doubly utilitarian project: not only a lighthouse but also a unique setting – an aerie- from which to live the vast world of sea and sky in a private way. In effect, then, this man-made structure, in itself a counterpoint to nature, would serve to project man more deeply into nature.
“Whether placed as the famous colossus of Rhodes, with a leg planted on each side of a harbor entrance, whether bridging to the shore with only one of its legs, or whether existing independently as an off-shore rig, this sculpture, extravagantly endowed with various supplemental niceties, has been designed with the aim of being useful, to be used, and to be enjoyed.”

JVH was aware of the change in scale from large-size outdoor sculpture to a colossal and high structure like a lighthouse, but was not concerned.
Furthermore, JVH was fascinated by the simultaneously extension and connection between the 3 of the 4 classical elements (earth, water and air) through a structural triangle.
The three lighthouse project models being, “Scorpios”, “Peace Light” and “West Coast Tower” were inevitably meant to remain models never to be enlarged. The esthetic beauty of the lighthouses remains a dream for JVH. Each model leaves a story and message in terms of symbolism and form.
Building such lighthouse structures in any of the three locations would have left a terrible impact on the coast’s shoreline. Therefore, these model projects are a design test rather than a feasibility study. As many other artists in the history of art, JVH had some dream projects that were meant to remain bronze models.