for the first direct election of the Parliament members
Headquarters, Strasbourg, France, 1979
Please note that the symbolisms described below represent the European Parliament in year 1979.
The wedge-shaped elements of the ring represent the 9 member-countries, each sized according to its voting strength. Their external surfaces express the individuality of the countries, while the inner surface of the ring represents their fusion into a single unit: the European Parliament.
Three counterclockwise movements on the inner ring respectively back France-Germany, Benelux-Italy and Denmark-Great Britain-Ireland as a chronology of recent cooperation. Greece is poised waiting to enter the circle.

The base, symbolizing the electorate, is composed of a flow of various political currents upon which the entire Parliamentary structure rests. These currents crest as a kinetic force, giving impetus to the Parliament’s activities. The small laminated ring which revolves about its axis of 3 pins, which stand for the Council, Commission and Judiciary, represents the mechanism of non-legislative functions.

The final model was selected from 3 options as representing best the scope of the EP.

Sculptor John Vassar House preliminary sketches for the European Parliament sculpture